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Fans of Joss Whedon; Dr Horrible as well as Neil Patrick Harris will want to tune in this Tuesday, may 18 at 8pm on FOX for the Glee episode “Dream On”.

NBC has officially canceled the when excellent comic booky TV show Heroes. Although there “might” be a TV movie.

Here’s an interview with Hulk writers Jeph Loeb as well as Greg Pak about last week’s expose of the Red Hulk as well as She-Hulk’s true identities

Superboy is getting his own series once again this autumn after a one-shot appearance in this August’s action Comics #892

COMICLIST: picture COMICS new RELEASES FOR 08/17/2016

ComicList: picture Comics new Releases for Wednesday, August 17, 2016, by Charles LePage.

Cry Havoc volume 1 Mything In action TP, $14.99Demonic #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Lukas Ketner), $2.99Demonic #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Niko Walter & Dan Brown), $2.99Descender #14, $2.99Horizon #1 (Jason Howard 2nd printing Variant Cover), $2.99Horizon #2, $2.99Hunt #2, $3.99I dislike Fairyland #8 (Cover A Skottie Young), $3.50I dislike Fairyland #8 (Cover B Skottie Young), $3.50Manifest Destiny #22, $2.99Pretty Deadly volume 2 The Bear TP (not verified by Diamond), $14.99Renato Jones The One Percent #1 (Kaare Andrews 4th printing Variant Cover), $3.99Rumble #13 (Cover A James Harren), $3.50Rumble #13 (Cover B Richard Corben & Beth Corben Reed), $3.50Snotgirl #1 (Leslie Hung 2nd printing Variant Cover), $2.99Spawn kills everybody #1 (Cover A Todd McFarlane), $3.99Spawn kills everybody #1 (Cover B J.J. Kirby), $3.99Spawn kills everybody #1 (Cover C Liana Hee), $3.99Throwaways #2, $2.99Wicked + The Divine #22 (Cover A Jamie McKelvie & Matt Wilson), $3.50Wicked + The Divine #22 (Cover B Olly Moss), $3.50

PLEASE NOTE- Not all of these titles will really show up in all stores. Please let me understand if any type of of the names or numbers are wrong. utilize the ComicList Printable checklist to produce buying listing for your regional comic book shop. To discover a regional comic book shop, please search The Master listing of Comic book & Trading Card Stores. go to GoCollect as well as utilize their next-generation, near real-time comic book cost guide. Subscribe via email or RSS.

© 1995-2016 Charles S. LePage. This work is licensed under the innovative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 united states License. To view a copy of this license, go to or send a letter to innovative Commons, 171 second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. any type of concerns regarding the utilize of this work should be directed to Charles LePage at

Read as well as comply with the latest releases from picture Comics:

Read as well as comply with the latest news from picture Comics:

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ComicList Preview: DEMONIC #1Media release — Image/Skybound entertainment is delighted to reveal the sinister, all-new series DEMONIC co-created by Robert Kirkman as well as Marc Silvestri, written by Eisner Award-nominated Christopher Sebela (High Crimes, getaway from new York), as well as with…
August 17, 2016In “Comics”

ComicList: picture Comics new Releases for 06/22/2016ComicList: picture Comics new Releases for Wednesday, June 22, 2016, by Charles LePage. Aloha Hawaiian Dick #3 (Of 5), $3.99 Autumnlands #11 (Tooth & Claw), $2.99 Bitch world #8, $3.99 Black road #3, $3.99 Cry Havoc #6 (Cover A Ryan Kelly &…
June 20, 2016In “Comics”

ComicList: picture Comics new Releases for 09/21/2016ComicList: picture Comics new Releases for Wednesday, September 21, 2016, by Charles LePage. Axcend volume 1 world Revolves around You TP, $14.99 Chew #58, $3.99 Demonic #2 (Of 6), $2.99 From Under Mountains TP (not verified by Diamond), $14.99 Gri…
September 19, 2016In “Comics”

A place I’LL always GO by PALEHOUND

miss the 1990s? miss bands like Sleater Kinney and The Breeders? Are those places you’ll always go to find a little nostaligic comfort?

Then this is for you.

A very strong showing, solid record.
A place I’ll always Go by Palehound

Doom Patrol season 1 Captures outrageous Magic of Comics, shows potential For Cape shows to come

The second season of Doom Patrol will premiere on both HBO Max and DC universe in June. Yet, despite being a critically successful prestige series, not lots of folks in the united states have seen it. until HBO Max launches, the only place to (legally) enjoy Doom Patrol season 1 in the U.S. is DC Universe. Originally, the colorful cast of characters that make up the Doom Patrol appeared in an episode of Titans. However, due to recasting and decisions by the storytellers, this crazy little series takes place in its own continuity and timeline. It has all the trappings of a good DC universe: A.R.G.U.S., a Justice League, and S.T.A.R. Labs. However, we aren’t going to cross paths with those folks in this show.

What makes Doom Patrol season 1 so satisfying and refreshing is the way the storytellers are able to blend the severe and surreal. The pilot episode ended with a donkey fart and a disaster. The next 14 episodes of the series are less about superheroics (though there is some good ass-kicking) and a lot more about the characters. Each one is damaged and need to face their inner demons. This makes for good drama, but it’s also plot-relevant as the villain’s superpower is “narration.” Alan Tudyk’s manic Mr. nobody has the power to affect all of time and space, but only by means of the mechanics of story.

The other interesting part of this series is the larger thematic conflict about power and betrayal. We won’t spoil things in this review of Doom Patrol season 1 specifically, but we will dive into a lot of the subtext and certain surreal moments in the series.


Doom Patrol season 1 could only come from a place like DC Universe

image by means of DC Comics

Doom Patrol was the second original series announced by DC Universe, a unusual choice. Titans was the first series to debut, and it was a straightforward (R-rated) superhero story. However, in hindsight it makes sense. Of course, the network who made Hawk and Dove central characters would make a show like this.

The Doom Patrol is a group of heroes that debuted in DC Comics a few months before marvel introduced the X-Men. Both are a group of reluctant superheroes led by a manipulative man a wheelchair. However, unlike the mutants, the Doom Patrol team did not remain popular. writer grant Morrison took over the series, making it surreal, adult, and a pastiche of satire and homage to classic comics.

Doom Patrol season 1 developed on the themes from the comics brilliantly, including incorporating comic storylines and settings. We’ll talk about the themes at play in the story in a moment. However, Doom Patrol season 1 is very, very silly. There are talking rats, an evangelizing cockroach, a person who eats beard hair, and a superhero who can do anything by flexing his muscles.

Like the comic series, the television series perfectly blends emotional, adult storytelling with the sort of absurdity only comics can get away with. This show highlights how versatile the comic book/superhero “genre” can be, even with all of the shows and films we’ve gotten over the past 20 years. They can be silly, satirical, moving, and hopeful all at the same time.

The character drama In Doom Patrol [is worthy of] any “Normal” Prestige Series

image by means of Warner Bros. TV

To describe how the central characters of Doom Patrol season 1 are broken would be to spoil much of the plot. This is a show about people so overwhelmed by regrets that they like to hide than live. identity is a central theme in the series, along with how respective identities don’t fit into the “normal” world. In fact, the big, bad villainous institution in the series is known as The department of Normalcy. despite all the comic book-y plot, this a story about how a group of people become comfortable in their own skin. (Or, in the case of Riley Shanahan’s and Brandon Fraser’s Cliff Steele, his unfeeling robot body.)

Joivan Wade plays Victor Stone, already popular as Cyborg in this world. Normally, Cyborg is associated with the teen Titans and not Doom Patrol. Yet, the addition of this character to the series is excellent. While he suffers from much of the same identity problems as the rest of the team, his view of the world is different. He wants to be a superhero, and it’s his influence that sets the rest of the Doom Patrol on the path to becoming heroes themselves. Unsurprisingly, he’s just as messed up as the rest of them.

Even some of the a lot more esoteric characters from the comics, like the sentient genderqueer street named Danny, work just as well (if not better) in the series. Doom Patrol season 1 is a triumph of comic book storytelling in live action. They take themselves just seriously enough to deliver a quality tale that is emotional and fun at the same time.

Season 2 of Doom Patrol premieres on HBO Max and DC universe on June 25.

What do you think of Doom Patrol? Did the series live up to your expectations? Were you a fan of the comics? Share your own reviews in the comments below.

Featured image by means of Warner Bros. Television

The Future of the DC Comics Timeline is Uncertain—But that might Be a good thing

On February 21st, just a few weeks before the country shut down due to the Coronavirus outbreak, Warner Bros. ousted DC Comics co-publisher Dan Didio. At the time, Didio was gearing up for the release of yet another relaunch with Generations, which would establish a new timeline for DC Comics. In fact, the new timeline debuted in a backup story of wonder woman #750, establishing her as the first known superhero. but Didio is gone, and because of the pandemic, comics were placed on hold until just recently. In the new solicitations, however, there’s no mention of Generations. So, what’s happening at DC Comics?

The Coronavirus shut Down Was a good thing for the DC Comics Timeline

(Image: Dark Nights: death Metal, DC Comics)

When Didio exited DC Comics, the first thing I thought of “oh, those poor editors.” They weren’t just starting to build the new timeline for DC Comics; they were at the launchpad. how could they possibly come up with a way out of Didio’s latest relaunch? They needed time. and then, mid-March, that time came. All comic shops closed. The entire world closed. For some productions, however, this was as much of a blessing as it was a curse. and DC is probably in that boat. starting this week, Scott Snyder’s sequel to Dark Nights: Metal, the event death metal debuts. Originally, Generations ran concurrently with death Metal. now death metal is the summer event, and DC seems to have buried Generations. The lockdown allowed DC to reevaluate their events and priorities.


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Forget the new DC Comics Timeline; death metal is much more exciting Anyway

(Image: Dark Nights: death Metal, DC Comics)

In a recent interview with our pals at Newsarama, Snyder’s excitement was more than palpable—it was exploding. He describes death metal as a dark but fun story that’s perfect for the times we live in. “It’s meant to say, we’re all in it together,” he said. “The only way through it is together.” He also clarifies that death metal makes sure that every DC Comics timeline matters. “ addresses where some of the ideas in the first metal came from,” Synder explains. The series “ties into really classic DC history from crisis on infinite Earths to infinite crisis and final crisis – all the big, cataclysmic events in DC history.”

And it seems like DC Comics want death metal to steer their 2020 line. “DC changed first. Dan left, and on top of that, the line changed in terms of what we were planning after 2020,” Snyder told Den of Geek. “Everything has been fluid, but has stayed what it was. The only thing that changed is the context.”

Where will DC Go instead of Yet another Reset?

(Image: Dark Nights: death Metal, DC Comics)

Will we see Generations? Maybe. but for something that was supposed to be a significant event, starting on free Comic book Day, DC’s been very quiet about it. However, canceling those plans, even if they were ready to print, is the best thing DC can do. With the end of hell Arisen, the last thing DC needs to do is go back. death metal pushes forward while celebrating the past. Every DC Comics timeline reset was just a way to relive the past while claiming everything is new. marvel might love their #1s, but their timeline doesn’t reset every time they go in a new direction. So, where can DC Comics go next? Anywhere else besides a timeline reset. even if it isn’t good, at least it will be new.

(Featured Image: Dark Nights: death Metal, DC Comics)


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Black Widow #1

by Josh Crawley

I am so sick of variant covers, and wasn’t going to promote anything that had them, but I’m making an exception for this book because the covers are that damned gorgeous!

Black Widow #1
Former Westfield Comics retail store customer and new York Times Bestseling author Majorie Liu teams up with Daniel Acuña to bring us some much more red-headed very spy action.

Black Widow #1 Variant

Black Widow #1 Jelena Kevic-Djurdjevic women of marvel Variant
Wow, she actually looks like she’s shaped like a woman!

Firestar #1

Firestar #1
While Emma Rios didn’t draw the cover, 1) it is awesome anyways, and 2) Rios does incredible work. In the meantime, why not check out the great X-Men: Firestar digest, or the new Warriors classic volume 1 soft cover?

New Avengers: Luke Cage

New Avengers: Luke Cage #1
Eric Canete’s artwork is awesome. Don’t believe me? check out the Iron Man: enter the Mandarin soft cover!

Thor & the Warriors Four

Thor and the Warriors four #1
I really delight in the Gurihiru artwork on these books. If you haven’t checked them out before now, I’d recommend taking a peek at the Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers hard cover and the Power pack volume 1 the kids are Alright hard cover! There are also classic soft covers for each of those characters, too, if you’re searching for something from a simpler time.

X-Force #26

X-Force #26
“Nothing will ever be the same.” That’s what we in company call hyperbole. That’s not why I wanted to spotlight his comic, though (which also has about 40 variants like Black Widow earlier). I just thought Emma Frost was pretty.

Deadpool & cable television #25

Deadpool & cable television #25
Our sales in the retail store skyrocketed after these men got their own titles a couple of years ago. I’m really hoping they don’t go back to the levels cable television & Deadpool were at (though the soft covers sell well for us; when they’re available). show me wrong; I dare you!

X-Men forever Annual

X-Men forever annual #1
I don’t actually expect you to want to purchase this book if marvel doesn’t even know who’s drawing it yet, when it’s expected to ship in less than two months. However, it has a pretty cover, and I’m a chump for those.

Nemesis #2

Millar & McNiven’s Nemesis #2
…brought to you by Dexter Vines, Morry Hollowell & Chris Eliopoulis, I presume.

Infinity Gauntlet

Infinity Gauntlet Variant edition 46 premiere hard cover
This really ought to be #47, considering #47 is the story that leads into this. Conveniently, it’s noted best here:

Silver Surfer: renewal of Thanos

Silver Surfer: renewal of Thanos Variant edition 47 premiere hard cover
And after reading this, may i suggest reading these two books, reading the Infinity war soft cover?

X-Men: Mutant Genesis

X-Men: Mutant Genesis Variant edition 48 premiere hard cover
It’s practically like marvel is trying to make me poor in the middle of the year.

Strange: The doctor is Out

Strange: The doctor is Out soft cover
Remember when I discussed Emma Rios earlier? check this out!

New Warriors Classic

New Warriors classic volume 2 soft cover
Remember how I discussed Firestar and volume 1 earlier? Me too! check ’em!

And so ends the column for this week. want much more of me running my mouth? check Twitter. need to tell me something? email & post info below!

Westfield Comics
7475 Mineral point Rd STE 22
Madison WI 53717
Josh Crawley is the tenured Master of disaster for Westfield Comics, not to be confused with Josh Crawley, the keyboardist for Everclear.


Media release — With overwhelming fan support and critical success in Dark horse Presents, Tony Puryear and Erika Alexander’s Concrete Park is slated for a new miniseries this fall!
When young earth outcasts are exiled to “Scare City,” a huge outpost on a distant desert planet, they need to find a path to redemption or be destroyed by their own violence. Concrete Park, a dark, sexy sci-fi saga by Tony Puryear (screenwriter of Eraser) and Erika Alexander (Living Single), is filled with unforgettable protagonists, a colorful supporting cast, redemption, romance, and nonstop action presented in an exceptional, lively style.

Concrete Park volume 1: You send Me collects the critically acclaimed graphic novel from the pages of Dark horse presents into a “director’s cut” hardcover featuring new pages and bonus materials!

The new miniseries, Concrete Park: R-E-S-P-E-C-T will debut September 3 as the first of five single-issue comics, sure to mix elegant noir with sci-fi twists!

Praise for Concrete Park:

“The visuals on Concrete Park are a highly graphic style that is exceptionally appealing.”—Comic book Resources

“Puryear’s thick, heavy inks are striking, forming his characters with a great deal of confidence and force. through his art, you instantly get a feel for this near-future [city]; the swagger of his characters and their surroundings just bursts off of the page.”—Read about Comics

“Every time I think I know what is going on in Concrete Park, Puryear throws me for a loop. I have to read more.”—Comics Bulletin

Concrete Park volume 1 is on sale October 1! Preorder your copy today!

About Tony Puryear, writer and artist

Tony Puryear is the first African American screenwriter to write a $100 million summer motion picture blockbuster. His 1996 hit Eraser catapulted him into a occupation writing pictures for A listers Jerry Bruckheimer (Buck Rogers), will Smith, and Oliver Stone. Puryear’s adaptation of the Ray Bradbury classic Fahrenheit 451 for Oscar-winning director Mel Gibson has circulated in Hollywood for years as a legendary unproduced script. His most current script is lady Scarface for the new RKO Pictures.
A talented artist and designer, Puryear was recently honored when his official campaign poster for Hillary Clinton’s historic 2008 presidential run was added to the permanent collection of the Smithsonian Institution’s national portrait Gallery.
He lives in Los Angeles with his wife, actress and Concrete Park cocreator Erika Alexander.

About Erika Alexander, writer

Erika Alexander is an award-winning actress, best known for her portrayal of cousin Pam on The Cosby show and Max on Living Single. She has starred recently on the critically-acclaimed AMC series low wintertime sun and on ABC’s Last man Standing. Her significant film credit scores include love Liza with Philip Seymour Hoffman and the upcoming Elsa & Fred opposite Oscar-winners Shirley MacLaine and Christopher Plummer. Erika is very pleased to have sent Denzel Washington back in time in the late Tony Scott’s sci-fi thriller DejaVu.

A multi-threat creator, she is the writer and producer of the upcoming feature film, rise and Shine, The kids Choir of Harlem Story.

As an activist and humanitarian with a focus on women and at-risk children, she has been a national surrogate for Hillary Clinton in her 2008 campaign and a Clinton global initiative delegate to Africa.

She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and Concrete Park cocreator, Tony Puryear.

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CONCRETE PARK gets new story arc in DARK horse PRESENTSMedia release — With overwhelming fan support, Tony Puryear’s Concrete Park is slated for a new story arc in Dark horse presents #14–#17! Concrete Park’s return in Dark horse presents #14 brings us dark visions for Isaac and an event that will…
May 17, 2012In “Comics”

Joss Whedon and Erika Alexander to co-write BTVS Giles miniseriesMedia release — Dark horse and 20th Century Fox are ecstatic to give Scoobies something fresh to munch on with Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Giles. Buffy the Vampire Slayer designer Joss Whedon and Erika Alexander (Concrete Park) unite to pen the new miniser…
October 5, 2017In “Comics”

Dark horse Vice president of publishing Randy Stradley retiresRandy Stradley, VP of publishing for Dark Horse, and Dark Horse’s original editor-in-chief, has retired. The press release follows: Media release — In 1985, comic store owner Mike Richardson approached friend Randy Stradley with his plan to start a comic book publishing company. The idea was to not only allow…
February 25, 2021In “ComicList”

COLLECTIVE thoughts FOR MARCH 2015: part 1: EVE OF A new YEAR edition

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KC is always prepared for an impromptu new Year’s Eve party.

by KC Carlson


Avengers: everybody wants to guideline the World

Avengers: everybody wants to guideline the world Prose novel (Marvel): just in time for Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron (and not the only time you’ll read that phrase this month), this is an all-new novel by the new York Times-bestselling author of Guardians of the Galaxy: Rocket Raccoon and Groot — steal the Galaxy! and Guardians 3000 (aka Dan Abnett)! The Mighty Avengers face an range of their greatest foes, all at once. In Berlin, Captain America battles the forces of Hydra. In the savage Land, Hawkeye and the Black Widow attempt to foil A.I.M. In Washington, Iron man fights to stop Ultron. In Siberia, Thor takes on an entire army. and in Mangapore, Bruce Banner and Nick Fury battle the High Evolutionary! only one thing is certain: This isn’t a coincidence. but what larger, deadlier risk lies behind these simultaneous attacks on Earth? (A multi-million-dollar movie?) new cover by John Cassaday. 304-page hardcover novel. available in April.

Umm, I have a potentially dumb question… Do they imply Mangapore or Madripoor? The former is a fictional city in Dan Abnett’s Sinister Dexter series for 2000 AD/IDW, and the latter is a well-established fictional city in the marvel universe (see Wolverine). holy unintentional potential trademark infringement… or just lousy proofreading?

X-Men: Days of Future past Prose Novel

BTW, the relatively recent X-Men: Days of Future past Prose novel is now available for pre-ordering in a cheaper, softcover (oh, so soft…) format. In case you were interested.

Batman earth One volume 2

Batman earth One volume 2 (DC Comics): The long-awaited follow-up to the best-selling and critically acclaimed first volume finds Batman trying to fix up the increasingly conflicting ideologies of Detective Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne’s head of security, Alfred Pennyworth. (Sounds a lot like the Gotham TV show, no?) Meanwhile, Gotham is plunged into terror by a enigmatic anarchist and killer calling himself the Riddler, there’s a bizarre creature prowling Gotham’s sewers, and who knows what Harvey Dent’s secret agenda is! By the same creators of volume One: Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, and Jon Sibal. 160-page color hardcover. available in May.


Avengers: Scarlet Witch by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning

Avengers: Scarlet Witch by Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning (Marvel): I’m always partial to these kinds of collections of typically non-ongoing-title characters whose adventures play out in various miniseries, one-shots, and noteworthy guest appearances over the years, and typically by a variety of creators. (Hint: Not every story in here is by D‘n’A, although the lead miniseries is.) This is a great collection for those folks who are curious and want to read much more about the Scarlet Witch before seeing the Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron film this summer, where she makes a essential appearance. She’s got one of the most complex and convoluted histories of any marvel character, and while this book probably won’t answer every question you might have about the always mysterious Wanda Maximoff, you will at least get the most recent origin story of the character, as well as numerous “lost” bits and pieces of her publishing history — all conveniently in one place. features work by Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, John Higgins, Sean McKeever, Jo Duffy, Kerry Gammill, John Ridgway, Richard Howell, Jeff Parker, Charlie Adlard, and a cover by Marko Djurdjevic. Collects Scarlet Witch #1-4 and Avengers Origins: Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver #1 — plus material from marvel Team-Up (1972) #125, Solo Avengers #5, marvel Comics presents (1988) #60-63 and #143-144, and Mystic Arcana: Scarlet Witch. 232-page color softcover. available in April.

Damage Control: The complete Collection

Damage Control: The complete Collection (Marvel): one of Marvel’s many beloved concepts, created by one of comics’ many beloved creators, damage control (created by Dwayne McDuffie) was one of those distinct ideas that could only really work in the marvel Universe. The premise was easy — who cleans up after Galactus (or fill-in-the-blank super-villain) and (insert super-hero) completely trashes your city? and further… how do you collect Dr. Doom’s unpaid bill? Plus, how do you deal with the aftermath of world war Hulk? Bob Greenberger will have much more of the history of this wonderfully fun series very soon best here at the Westfield Blog! Collects damage control (1989-A) #1-4, damage control (1989-B) #1-4, damage control (1991) #1-4, world war Hulk Aftersmash: damage control #1-3, and material from marvel Age annual #4 and marvel Comics presents (1988) #19. everything here is written by Dwayne McDuffie,with art by Ernie Colón, Kyle Baker, and Salva Espin. 376-page color softcover.

Frankenstein: The mad science of Dick Briefer

Frankenstein: The mad science of Dick Briefer (Dark Horse): These cultish adventures are frequently collected, but Dark Horse’s typical high standards of reproduction may make this the definitive collection! Dick Briefer’s Frankenstein is a much misunderstood gentle soul, in one of golden Age comics’ many distinct monster series, mixing screwball comedy with conventional horror — while also being a canny observation of postwar America. Horrifyingly funny and historical! how can you go wrong? Collects prize Publications’ Frankenstein #1-6 from 1945-1946. 260-page 7” x 10” color hardcover. available in May.

Marvel Masterworks: The fantastic four volume 17

Marvel Masterworks: The fantastic four volume 17 (Marvel): much more timeless tales about Marvel’s first family from 1976-1978, featuring work by Roy Thomas, Len Wein, and George Pérez, with Ron Wilson, Sal Buscema, bill Mantlo, Marv Wolfman, Gerry Conway, Jim Shooter, and Archie Goodwin. presenting stories too cosmic to be believed! Reed Richards is replaced by his evil Counter-Earth counterpart and Thundra, Tigra, the mad Thinker, and Annihilus all join the battle for Reed’s life in the heart of the negative Zone! Then, the FF should battle through the Eliminator, Salem’s Seven, Klaw and the Molecule Man. but many cosmic of all — The impossible man rampages through the marvel Bullpen, causing both torment and team up! will he turn the FF into the new fantastic Five? and battle the Frightful Four? (Auggh! too much math!!!) 272-page remastered color hardcover. available in June in two cover formats.

Marvel very Heroes secret Wars activity book Facsimile Collection

Marvel very Heroes secret Wars activity book Facsimile Collection (Marvel): This sounds so strange it should be cool. marvel sez: “Love Marvel’s classic secret Wars story, but wish it was a little much more interactive? Well, this is the book for you! discover — or rediscover — the unbridled delight of being a child of the ’80s with this awesome replica collection of tie-in coloring books, sticker albums, and stamp books! It’s got adventures, it’s got games, it’s got puzzles, it’s got posters — it even has stickers! (We’ve replaced the original stamps with stickers in our version — no licking required!) Dig out your crayons and indulge in some unadulterated secret Wars fun! If the Beyonder had this to enjoy, he would never have made it to earth for secret Wars II! Collecting the secret Wars: The crime of Centuries and escape From Doom coloring books, the secret Wars: secret of Spider-Man’s shield and Tower of Doom sticker books, the secret Wars: stamp fun and Spider-Man’s stamp fun stamp books, and more.” I can’t wait to cover my mom’s refrigerator with secret Wars stickers — all over again! thank goodness there’s no much more licking. has anybody told Lockjaw yet? 160-page color softcover. available in May.

Star Wars Legends epic Collection: The empire volume 1

Star Wars Legends epic Collection: The empire volume 1 (Marvel): Marvel’s first star Wars epic Collection features work originally produced by Dark horse Comics. This first volume of the series is focused on the years following star Wars: Episode III– Revenge of the Sith. After the Clone Wars end, the Republic has fallen and Palpatine exerts his ruthless grip on his new Galactic Empire. Now, the few Jedi that remain should decide whether to hold true to their faith, or abandon it completely in the face of a brutal purge — one carried out by the new Dark Lord of the Sith: Darth Vader! features work by John Ostrander, Randy Stradley, Haden Blackman, Alexander Freed, Luke Ross, Douglas Wheatley, Jim Hall, Chris Scalf, Marco Castiello, Andrea Chella, and Rick Leonardi with a cover by Ross. Collecting star Wars: Republic #78-80, star Wars: Purge #1, star Wars: Purge — seconds to die #1, star Wars: Purge — The hidden Blade #1, star Wars: Purge — The Tyrant’s Fist #1-2, star Wars: Darth Vader and the lost Command #1-5, and star Wars: Dark Times #1-5. let the dark times begin! 440-page color softcover. available in April.


Weirdworld (Marvel): You’ve probably already seen Bob Greenberger’s outstanding preview of this book elsewhere at the Westfield blog. I can’t add anything to his incredibly comprehensive behind-the-scenes history and comprehensive summary of the series, other than to say it’s really one of Marvel’s “lost classics” and very much worth your time to check out! Written by the fantastic (but oft unsung) Doug Moench with beautiful artwork by Mike Ploog, Pat Broderick, and John Buscema. Collects material from marvel Premiere #38, marvel very action (1976) #1, marvel Fanfare (1982) #24-26, marvel very special #11-13, and epic Illustrated #9 and #11-13. 312-page color softcover.

Also Available:

Cerebus: High society 30th anniversary Remastered Gold Edition

Cerebus: High society 30th anniversary Remastered Gold edition (Aardvark Vanaheim): Wow, has it been that long ago?! one of the longest (and funniest, among other things) serials in comics, this was originally published as Cerebus #26-50. It’s been completely digitally remastered (so even the finest lines are distinctly clear and not blocked-up — as often happened in the original). and it’s signed and numbered by developer Dave Sim to boot! and the cover now has a snazzy gold logo. Plus, it’s available to comics shops only and limited to pre-orders only (so if you really, really want it, you better purchase it NOW)! This is actually a resolicitation, and all previous orders have been canceled, so if you purchased this previously, you need to purchase it again now to make sure you get one. 500-page 7” x 10” B&W softcover.

Eerie Archives volume 19

Eerie Archives volume 19 (Dark Horse): featuring much more time-travelling adventures of The Rook, as well as plenty of aliens, classic creatures, and ever-popular tales of human folly! features work by Richard Corben, Alex Nino, Bruce Jones, and more. 272-page 8” x 11” color hardcover. available in May.

Savage Sword of Conan volume 19

Savage Sword of Conan volume 19 (Dark Horse): Collecting Marvel’s savage Sword of Conan #192-201, including a story where Conan meets his maker — writer Robert E. Howard! features work by Roy Thomas, John Buscema, Ernie Chan, Tony DeZuniga, and a cover by Joe Jusko. 504-page 7” x 10” B&W softcover. available in May.

T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents classics volume 5

T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents classics volume 5 (IDW): another in this great series of collections featuring the 1960s T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents (and related) series. This volume collects the classic adventures of Dynamo, NoMan, Menthor, and much more from T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents issues #12-14 and Dynamo #4. features classic work by Wally Wood, Gil Kane, Steve Skeates, Dan Adkins, Mike Sekowsky, Steve Ditko, and numerous much more — with a new cover by Ryan Brown. 208-page 6.5” x 10.2 “ color softcover.


NEXT WEEK: newspaper strip books (Dick Tracy, buck Rogers, and more!), big things (Annihilation: Conquest Omnibus, Don Rosa’s Scrooge McDuck Artist’s Edition), and even some strange things (Secret Wars Mega Box Set, a crossover between alter Ego and Back Issue).

KC CARLSON SEZ: I got coal in my Christmas stocking again this year, but that’s alright because I also got a really, really old train for Christmas! Woo hoo! Black lung, here I come!

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Devil’s Handshake

by Josh Crawley

I believe it may be harder to compose about comic books than it is to compose comic books.

I’m not excellent at composing either one, mind you, however I’ve done both. It seems a great deal simpler to compose that very first panel description than it does to compose the very first line of a column. If I hadn’t really had the believed contained in the very first line, I’d most likely still be taking a look at a blank data hours from now, well after I really surface this.

So perhaps I ought to rephrase that: I envision starting to compose about comics is harder that in it to begin composing comics.

I envision Larry Hama is well beyond staring at a blank data these days, as well as thanks to Stephen Christy over at Archaia (who contacted me through Twitter, I really got to checked out some work by Hama early!

The Devil’s Handshake is a $5.95 perfect-bound graphic novella coming out in October. Hama joins developer as well as fellow Spooks writer Ryan Schifrin, as well as Spooks artist Adam Archer. Lizzy John, co-credited for art, joins them.

When I very first got this PDF through email, I didn’t have as well much time to look at it. I opened it best away to be sure it was A-okay as well as I’d be able to checked out it. The very first thing to get my interest was the beautiful artwork. Sadly, that was all I got to delight in for a few extremely busy, however fun, days as well as nights. Needless to say, by the time I got to reading it, I had developed up this job rather a bit in my head. After all, this business publishes titles like several Eisner Award-winning mouse Guard.

I wasn’t let down. Unlike numerous comics today that feel the requirement to provide us yet one more serving of decompression, the book doesn’t begin so much as it hits the ground running. We get a good organic introduction to the characters, as well as the story is total in this book, yet leaves us wanting much more with different loose ends. The dialog is expository without being heavy-handed as well as long-winded, as well as the storytelling is clear. What truly stands apart for me, though, is the color artwork. John’s work reminds me of Ariel Olivetti’s recent work on Punisher war Journal as well as Cable. When I asked Christy at Archaia about the process, he stated she “paints over his pencils as well as inks. We really provided her co-art credit rating since she ads so much to the art.” I’d be hard-pressed to disagree with that!

I understand I haven’t truly told you who Larry Hama is yet, if you didn’t already know, as well as there’s a reason for that. The large scale of his work may extremely well have triggered you to stop reading this column before getting with my fairly short review.

Recently, Hama has written the rather prominent Barack the Barbarian title from Devil’s Due Publishing, problems #2, #3, as well as #4 that function covers drawn by Westfield Comics client Joel Humberto Herrera.

GI Joe the very best of Larry Hama

Hama was the very first writer on the original continuous Wolverine series (collected in those useful necessary Wolverine collections as well as Wolverine Legends Marc Silvestri ). If you see a finest of GI Joe or traditional GI Joe (which seems to make the GI Joe finest of Larry Hama HC redundant, however it’s an over-sized hardcover, not spilled milk, so no crying!) from IDW Publishing, you’ll notice he composed all the stories in there. He crafted the fiction of the genuine American Hero; comics as well as data cards. He’s still composing GI Joe Origins now, as well as I wouldn’t be amazed if he’s composing GI Joe as a cyborg 100 years from now!

And he really broke into comics by pencilling, as well as like many, he started out as an assistant. however not everybody was an assistant to Wally Wood. one of his earliest pencilling tasks was on a character Matt fraction has just recently reinvigorated: Iron Fist!

I just did a browse for Larry Hama on our site (we understand the function needs some work, we truly are working on it), as well as there are things I failed to remember he even dealt with (and I keep in mind some truly random stuff):

– Sabretooth: Deathhunt SC (out of print, however we have restricted quantities available!)
– Spider-Girl provides Wild thing accident program
– Batman No Man’s Land Volumes 3 as well as 4
– Chronicles of Conan volume 15
– total Age of Apocalypse books 1 , 3, as well as 4

Now that I’ve written much more than I expected I could, feel totally free to send me comments, questions, recommendations, samples, et cetera at:


Westfield Comics
7475 Mineral point road STE 22
Madison WI 53717
Josh Crawley is the tenured Master of catastrophe at Westfield Comics, so you ought to view yourself. The majority of this column was givenyou by new Glarus Brewing business beers.

Spooks volume 1
Spooks volume 2 Omega Team

GI Joe Declassified

(Declassified precedes the events of traditional GI Joe #1)

Classic GI Joe volume 1
Classic GI Joe volume 2
Classic GI Joe volume 3

(Classic GI Joe is suggested for the fan who wants everything; finest of GI Joe is suggested for the fan who has a narrower focus!)

GI Joe finest of  Cobra Commander
GI Joe finest of  Hawk
GI Joe finest of  Destro
GI Joe finest of Duke

GI Joe storm shadow volume 1 Solo

Marvel’s Moon woman as well as Devil Dinosaur series set For Disney channel Debut

As much as fans like the silver-age marvel superheroes, the home of concepts didn’t stop producing characters in the 1960s. One new character getting the TV show treatment is Marvel’s Moon woman as well as Devil Dinosaur, a series set to appear on the Disney Channel. While Moon woman is only a few years old, Devil Dinosaur is a Jack Kirby development from almost 40 years ago.

The character lingered around the marvel Universe, showing up for a laugh or bit part right here as well as there. Yet, in 2016, a trio of marvel storytellers established a new character to assist bring Devil Dinosaur into the contemporary age. Now, this new series will come to life, so to speak, in an animated series for younger viewers on Disney channel. While marvel is no complete stranger to animation, the recently-announced animation series for Hulu explained by Jeph Loeb are for adults. This is one is just for the kids.

Who Are Marvel’s Moon woman as well as Devil Dinosaur?

picture via Marvel


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Devil Dinosaur very first appeared in 1978 in his own comic written as well as illustrated by the legendary Jack Kirby. set on a parallel earth where dinosaurs coexist with early humans, Devil Dinosaur teamed up with the simian Moon Boy. When that series ended, outside of an oblique recommendation right here as well as there, Devil Dinosaur fell by the wayside. In 2016, however, marvel wished to bring the character back. instead of Moon Boy, however, Devil Dinosaur teamed up with Moon Girl, a much different type of hero.

Lunella Lafayette is a nine-year-old girl, who is both an Inhuman as well as the smartest character in the marvel Universe. Her creators explain her as “Inspector Gadget, however a bit less campy.” While tinkering around with one of her uber-powerful inventions, she opens a doorway to a parallel Earth. The Killer-Folk, the villains in the Devil Dinosaur series, burst through. The lovable red T-Rex follows, excited to avenge the death of his longtime companion Moon Boy. The two team up as well as type an inseparable bond.

What’s altering for the Show?

picture via Marvel

Marvel’s Moon woman as well as Devil Dinosaur series may be a more simple adaptation of the comics than fans are utilized to. It’s a lesser-known title, as well as it’s not coming from marvel Television. Disney television Animation teamed with Cinema Gypsy Productions, Laurence Fishburne as well as Helen Sugland’s production company. Steve Loter signed on to produce, a professional from marvel Animation as well as Disney’s Kim Possible. Fishburne released a statement to the Hollywood reporter about the series.

He said:
“As an avid comic book fan, I am thrilled to be included with Marvel’s Moon woman as well as Devil Dinosaur series. Disney channel is the perfect platform to check out this pint-sized female African-American superhero as well as I can’t wait on their audience to enjoy the lighthearted adventures of Lunella as well as Devil Dinosaur.”

There’s no release date yet for the new animated series, however episodes will begin airing in 2020.

Featured picture via Disney