Okay, so I’m going to go ahead as well as state that Jon Bernthal is most likely the very best actor ever cast to play the Punisher. He handled to bring the comic book version of Frank Castle to life, which is no simple task. Granted, provided a few of the quite poor films as well as miscast actors who have taken up the function in the past, that’s not stating a whole lot. however Bernthal’s exceptional performance in Daredevil season 2 as well as the very first season of the Punisher last year is the primary reason I’m looking ahead to the swiftly approaching second season of the Netflix Marvel’s Punisher series (available January 19).

Unfortunately, considering that Bernthal was so great that likewise makes everything the sadder that this will most likely be his last trip as Frank Castle.

In situation you haven’t heard, or don’t enjoy marvel Netflix Series, the marvel programs currently on Netflix are being unceremoniously cancelled. when it occurred to Daredevil, none of the other shows stood a chance, however the cancellations had nothing to make with high quality or scores (see here).

So, provided the truth that we understand Netflix is not supporting these shows anymore, will the present season have any type of impact on Punisher comics?

Well, television portrayals of comic characters have always had less weight than major motion picture appearances, however they do have a little impact on prices.

As regards the Punisher/Frank Castle – his very first appearance in remarkable Spider-man #129 (February 1974), is virtually immune to any type of poor motion pictures or cancelled TV shows. It’s a prominent crucial book in the run of the most prominent super-hero in the world. currently worth over $13, 000.00 in 9.8 licensed condition as well as with strong positive returns in all grades, great or poor the Punisher series will have bit impact on this baby.

The Punisher #1 (January 1986) – very first Punisher in solo title

So the books to enjoy relating to Punisher comic activity are most likely the standalone Punisher comics, of which the 1986 very first problem of his solo restricted run title is the a lot more useful (the 1987 very first problem of the longer running series has likewise been slowly getting in value). Punisher #1 with a script by Steven grant as well as pencils by Mike Zeck is currently worth $400.00 in 9.8 licensed grade. A fraction of what Spider-man #129 costs, however not poor for a Copper Age book. The last three eBay sales of 9.8 graded copies went for: $429.99 (12/28/2018), $475.00 (12/28/2018) as well as $380.00 (12/29/2018). currently returns on 9.8’s are somewhat positive at 4% after 159 sales considering that 2008. problem #4, the very first appearance of Microchip from the 1987 second Punisher series is likewise worth seeking out considering that we understand that character will likewise be coming back.



Amazing Spider-man #162 – very first appearance of Jigsaw

Where things get fascinating is with the rest of the supporting cast of characters. For example, Ben Barnes will be back to reprise his function as Billy Russo aka Jigsaw. Russo’s betrayal of Castle as well as the confrontation as well as fight between the two at the end of season One was a highlight of the series. Jigsaw’s very first appearance can be discovered in Spider-man #162. With 772 copies on the CGC census, this comic is an up as well as comer as well as you must keep an eye on it. currently fetching a respectable $525.00 in licensed 9.8 condition, however finest returns have been on 9.6 copies. With a positive +78.3% return on investment after 100 sales considering that 2009. 9.6 copies currently have a fair market value of $220.00.







Finally, Josh Stewart has likewise joined the cast this season as a character called John Pilgrim. This character is far less well known. The blurbs from different enjoyment web sites insurance claim that John Pilgrim is not a marvel Comics character, so this new villain (an alt-right preacher according to different sources) has no comic history.

Still there was a Pilgrim character in the marvel Universe. Mosely Wilson aka Pilgrim Wilson. very first appearing in amazing four 2099 #2 (February 1996) he was likewise swiftly killed in the extremely next issue. considering that he is from the future as well as one more marvel world (Earth 928) disallowing a sci-fi twist, I question this character will be the one in the series.

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The Return of the Punisher: Punisher #1Recently, Forbes spoke with Jon Bernthal about playing The Punisher, “As far as going on in the future, it’s a character that I truly feel like I have kind of in my bones as well as in my heart,” Bernthal said. “I’m truly grateful that I had the opportunity, as well as what kind of occurs in…
October 24, 2021In “Comic Collecting 1null


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Wayne Markley

by Wayne Markley

With a new year starting and this being my first blog of 2015, I thought I would look at three new number ones, all from marvel and the ending of one of my favorite, and one of the best series, from DC. Throughout last year, marvel launched a number of new books with number ones and 2015 looks no different as they have a ton of new titles already announced for the first quarter of the year. I am going to review three of the newest titles, all which came out last week. all of them are good and one is excellent, so marvel is off to a good start. A note though, my opinion on all of these titles is based only on the first issues so it may change with time. as with any new series, and I have seen this lots of times, the first issue would be exceptional and over time the series would drift into mediocrity or out-right dreck. On the other hand, one of my favorite series is pertaining to an end this spring. The Fables spin-off title, Fairest, ended last week so I am looking back at the run of this exceptional series.


Marvel has once again launched a new Ant-Man title, this time by writer Nick Spencer and artist Ramon Rosanas. Ant-Man has been around considering that Marvel’s regeneration in the early 1960s but normally as a character in other books (Tales to Astonish, marvel Feature) or in the Avengers, and a couple of times in his own title. This incarnation of Ant-Man is once again Scott Lang. Yes, he was dead, and that is referenced a number of times in the story without describing how he is back from the dead, and he is once again with his daughter. The basic story is Scott trying to get a job working for Tony Stark as head of his security. He is not alone in this job interview as other applicants include the Beetle (from remarkable Foes of Spider-Man) and others lesser heroes or villains. This first issue is a very great story setting up what will come in the future and showing what kind of person Scott Lang is. There is no great danger and it is a self-contained story (Bravo!) and it is interesting enough to make me want to read the next issue. It was not the best book I read recently, but it was very good compared to a lot of of the other superhero books out there at the moment. It is worth looking at. I suspect the future issues will be very interesting. Also, it is pretty evident that marvel launched this book because of the coming Ant-Man motion picture this summer, which from the first trailer looks like it might also be a lot of fun.

Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

A second new title from marvel that came out last week was the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl. The basic back story is Squirrel girl was a member of the great Lake Avengers, the babysitter for Luke Cage and Jessica Jones, and generally a joke. writer Ryan (Adventure Time) North and artist Erica Henderson have taken this joke character and created the best marvel book in some time. This book is charming, funny, and downright entertaining. It tells the story of Squirrel girl going off to college and having to deal with the issues of school, her new roommate, Tippy, her best friend (and a squirrel), how to hide her tail, is she a worthy Avenger, and all the other troubles of a young adult superhero girl. Plus, she confronts Kraven the hunter and uses him insight into his ways and why they are wrong. This was a best comic in terms of both tone and execution. It is for all age groups and for hardcore superhero fans or for alternative comic fans or even for non-comic fans. Also, like Ant-Man, it is a stand-alone story. There is also in super-small print at the bottom of each page of story an additional joke which is well worth the challenge of reading as they are very funny. I got to the last page of this comic and I could not wait to read more, which is the highest compliment I can pay a book. Well worth seeking out. This could very easily be Marvel’s next surprise hit.


Wolverines #1 by Charles Soule, Nick Bradshaw, and Walden Wong picks ideal up where the death of Wolverine and the follow up miniseries ended. This book is written by the writer of one of my favorite books, Swamp thing (which is ending soon), so I had high hopes for this new book. The basic premise is a group of Wolverine’s friends, enemies and children are brought together to form a new group known as the Wolverines. This first issue is mostly set up and there is a lot of mysterious stuff as to why they are together and who is behind this team. It is an interesting read, but it did not suck me in like Soule’s Swamp thing did. It is also the first chapter of an undoubtedly longer story, so it does not have that fulfillment that Ant-Man and Squirrel girl has of a beginning, middle, and an end, yet it was enjoyable. The villains in this first issue include the Wrecking crew and Mr. Sinister whichis not a bad start. Of the three marvel number ones it is my least favorite, but that is not a negative as much a sign how good the other two were. I have no doubt this book will at some point cause the return of Logan as Wolverine, but I am ready to give it a chance to lead me down that path, it just did not get hold of me like Squirrel girl did or intrigue me as Ant-Man did.

Fairest #33

Fairest recently pertained to an end with issue #33 after a fairly long run. Fairest was a spin-off title from Fables, which is still going, at least for a few a lot more issues, it is ending with #150. Fairest was a title that featured solo stories of various characters from the Fables universe. Characters featured included Cinderella, Ali Baba, Rapunzel and others from a variety of creators other than the mastermind behind Fables, bill Willingham. issue #33 was a special one off story that featured Goldilocks. I found this issue interesting because it ties into a graphic novel that came out in the past. Fairest in All the Land was an all new graphic novel by bill Willingham and a variety of artists including mark Buckingham, Adam Hughes, Ming Doyle, and lots of others that came out over a year earlier. The story was told by the magical mirror (from Snow White and other fairy tales) and involved Cinderella trying to fix the murder of Snow White, rose Red, and others. It is a very complicated mystery that involves nearly everyone in the Fables universe and it is excellent. What I was pleased by was this OGN came out well over a year before issue #33 of Fairest yet issue #33 leads directly into this graphic novel. even if you had read the graphic novel when it first came out in 2013 it is well worth going back and re-reading Fairest in All the Land after having reading Fairest #33.

Fairest Vol. 1

Overall I really took pleasure in Fairest. While it seemed to focus only on a few characters in its run with multiple appearances of Cinderella and Ali Baba it was able to tell very different stories than those being done in Fables, in both style and tone. The first collection of Fairest was called large Awake and was written by bill Willingham and drawn by Phil Jimenez. It told the tale of Briar rose and her Goblin Army. It reprints the first six issues of Fairest. Vol. 2 reprints issues 7-12 and is written by Lauren Beukes and drawn by Inaki Miranda. This collection has both a great story and beautiful art and features an interesting tale featuring Rapunzel and her loonnnggg hair. Not a story you would expect based on the fairy tale. The third collection is titled The Return of Maharaja and features a little know tale of prince captivating (who also was in volume one). Collected in this trade are issues 15-20 of Fairest and it is written by Sean E. Williams and drawn by Stephen Sadowski. as with all of these Fairest stories I would recommend reading the trades over the single comics as these stories tend to be complicated and read better in a single sitting vs. monthly installments. Fairest Vol. 4-Cinderella: Of men and Mice feature the return of super-secret agent Cinderella (who had previously had her own miniseries.) as with her solo series, this story is written by mark Andreyko and drawn by Shawn McManus. I loved both the solo series and this collection with Cinderella. They are a great mix of spy/adventure stories with the Fables sensibilities mixed in. It collected issues #21-26. The final volume in the series, Vol. 5, will be out this summer and it features the adventures of the crafty Fox Reynard and is written by long time Fables artist mark Buckinghm and is illustrated by Russ Braun. At this point the collection is provided as having issues #27-32 even though there are #33 issues in the series. maybe #33 will be added to this collection or maybe Vertigo will reprint The Fairest in the Land and add Fairest #33 as it is a prelude to the graphic novel. Overall, any of these collections are well worth your time to read as they are all exceptional in different ways.

Fairest Vol. 4

So we see the beginnings of a couple of potentially new exciting series and the end of an exceptional series. will one of these new number ones be as good as Fairest has been able to be over the years? Time will tell. everything written here is my opinion and in no way reflects the thoughts or opinions of Westfield Comics or their employees. I welcome feedback or suggestions or review copies at MFBWAY@AOL.COM. have you read any of the books discussed here? Did you take pleasure in them? hate them? I want to know!

Thank you.


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Time traveling KC Carlson

a KC Column by KC Carlson

(first of a series)

I’ve always been intrigued by historical stories. You understand the ones — where new details are brought to light, or something important in the past happened, yet we don’t discover out about it up until now. In comic books, this is often referred to as a continuity implant. Or, more frequently, a “lost” story.

It’s only in comics that you have these kinds of retro tales. No other medium has the type of long-running continuity as well as characters (and the resulting years of stories) where it would even make sense to look backwards instead of forwards. That’s what’s fascinating about these stories I’ve been reading lately. They aren’t structured to state “and this is the hero’s next adventure”; instead, they tuck a new experience into a previous time period.

I’m not speaking about retcons or stories geared to tell you “everything you believed you understood is wrong!” I’m mainly speaking about period pieces, stories flavored with nostalgia for a time further back. perhaps one where great as well as evil were more obvious as well as moral decisions not so grey.


There’s a difference, though, between stories set then as well as written now as well as those originally written in those older time periods. Marvel, in their earliest timely era, didn’t tell stories like they do today. Now, we get multi-part epic storylines that ultimately ended up being blockbuster movies. even simple stories may be overly stretched out to fill a TPB collection. Back then, comics were full of quick, action-filled dispute stories, with little space for characterization or even continuity — neither of which were truly used to comics in that era.

Sub-Mariner in the golden Age

There’s something to be stated about pure action tales. They’re like a sugar rush, keeping your head spinning, even beyond what’s great for you. however eventually, a diet plan of pure action gets repetitive — even tiring — as well as a specific sameness creeps into things as well as you keep plugging along. perhaps that’s why the golden Age ran out of gas eventually. Sure, it’s usually stated that most superheroes died out after the war ended since there was nobody important to fight anymore. however what if it was that, plus the stories got tiring as well as unfocused? Hitler as well as Tojo were not only scary — they were real.

So, time passes as well as comics got tiring except for little bumps (like horror comics which were ultimately squashed by government oversight) as well as things got even more boring. Superheroes lastly make a comeback, however the genuine buzz about them comes from the (slightly) more advanced relaunch of marvel Comics in the early sixties, mainly by guys named Stan, Jack, as well as Steve, as well as next thing you understand the Hulk is the darling of American college campuses (if not actual comics sales). There are articles in leading newspapers as well as magazines about exactly how advanced (and groovy) comic books now are. The publicity saves marvel Comics from decades-long distribution as well as sales problems, as well as even other publishers are great by association. then Batman hits TV, as well as it’s a whole new sphere game, at least for a few years.

Skip ahead one more decade or two, as well as comics have gotten even more sophisticated. artwork is amazing, as well as artists are lastly pushing against the limitations of decades-old bad printing on crap paper. more as well as more writers are telling more as well as more advanced stories.

Yet in the contemporary age, there’s likewise space for throwbacks. Some writers discover the older, visceral characters much better fit for new stories, even though the characters date from their (or even their parents’) childhoods.

But this doesn’t occur immediately. First, The Invaders have to be (re-)created.


The Invaders

Among the earliest of these kinds of stories were The Invaders, the team that officially debuted in 1975 in Giant-Size Invaders #1, by Roy Thomas as well as Frank Robbins. The special was quickly complied with by an continuous series later that year, set in the 1940s as well as starring Captain America (and Bucky), the original (Jim Hammond) Human Torch (and Toro), as well as Namor, the Sub-Mariner. all of these characters were early marvel stars when the business was called timely back in the ‘40s, back before team books were the rage. It should be noted that there was a prototype debut for the team in a 1969 problem of The Avengers (#71, written by Roy Thomas), where a time-displaced Captain America, Sub-Mariner, as well as the Human Torch all appeared as well as briefly battled The Avengers, Kang, as well as the Grandmaster.

Another team of Timely-era characters really banded together in the 1940s (post-WWII). The short-lived All-Winners Squad’s membership included all five of the future Invaders, plus the super-speedster with the unfortunate name — The Whizzer — as well as miss America. These last two were quickly re-introduced into the 1970s The Invaders series, ultimately ending up being short-term members. The strange thing about the All-Winners Squad was that it didn’t last long. The team had only two golden Age adventures together in All-Winners Comics #19 as well as #21 in 1946. (Before you ask, there was no All-Winners Comics #20. Gotta like golden Age comics publishing…) Also, since this team was post-war, their original adventures didn’t factor into any type of 1970s Invaders stories, since that team was all about WWII!

Marvel Premiere #29

This didn’t stop Roy Thomas from producing one more timely WWII-era super-team. The liberty legion was produced in 1976 (beginning in The Invaders #5-6 as well as crossing over to marvel Premiere #29-30), however their actual adventures took location during WWII alongside the Invaders. liberty legion members the Whizzer as well as miss America were retconned into satisfying as well as teaming with the Invaders characters in “1944” before they were really produced (real world) in 1946.

The Invaders of this age was never a advanced superhero series (because it truly wasn’t designed to be), however it was a extremely important link to future creators who did extremely fascinating things with a few of the characters in coming decades.

If you’re not confused sufficient by now, I’ll most likely come back to this later when I do a whole column on The Invaders. Betcha can’t wait!


The Invaders are just the beginning. There’s a great deal of forgotten out-of-time, continuity implant marvel series as well as characters that I’m going to take one more look at, including:

Marvel preview #20 featuring Dominic Fortune

Dominic ton of money is a quite unique character in marvel Comics. He’s a self-defined “Brigand For Hire” who has appeared in stories set in the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, as well as so on to the contemporary era. (And, yes, he’s depicted as a extremely old guy when he appears in stories set in “present day”.) ton of money is a Howard Chaykin-created character (technically co-created with Len Wein, however there’s an even deeper history there to be explained later). He likewise very first appeared in 1975, however he’s been published off as well as on every decade since. Plus, he’s a difficult character to follow, as many of his Chaykin episodes were published in strange anthology magazine-format publications, seldom in common style comic books. (That’s where the older version of the character generally appears.)

Chaykin prefers to tell ton of money stories set in the character’s (and Marvel’s) colorful past, while the rest of the (until recently) present marvel U. depicts him as an elderly, however still extremely capable, guy with little input from Chaykin. ton of money is a traditional Chaykin character: a tough-talking, somewhat befuddled, swashbuckling man’s man, who attracts lovely women that are much smarter than him, however autumn all over him anyway. I can’t wait to tell you more about him as well as his adventures, which are scattered all over the marvel world as well as its history, like buried treasure.

Agents of Atlas

The Agents of Atlas were one of Marvel’s more quirky super-teams. the most present “series of miniseries” (beginning in 2006, complying with a one-shot appearance in What If #9 from 1978) depicted them as current-day characters, however their roots really stretch back to the not-so-well-depicted by marvel in the 1950s. It’s one more excellent series/team that should have had more fans. thanks to well-curated collections, it’s not as well late to get to understand them.

Marvel: The lost Generation #12

If you want truly obscure characters as well as adventures, you’ll want to inspect out Marvel: The lost Generation (2000-2001), a 12-part restricted series by Roger Stern as well as John Byrne which has criminally never been collected by Marvel. Granted, it tells the tale of the most unsung, unknown characters of the marvel world (the team called very first Line), as well as some fans complained about it being told “backwards” (the story starts in problem #12 as well as counts down to #1). It likewise defines the age of the marvel world that I discover so interesting — the post-WWII period of obscure superheroes, (Kirby) monsters, as well as other strange goings on — that as long-time marvel visitors know, we didn’t discover out about up until much later. a few of that starts here. The end of that age is marked by amazing four #1 — both as the beginning of “modern” marvel continuity, in addition to the real-world publishing landmark that it has become.

There are a great deal more of these hidden/unrevealed stories from this age that I’m dying to introduce you to.

The Marvels Project

The Marvels job (2009) by Ed Brubaker as well as Steve Epting stars Marvel’s 1940s super-heroes.

The Twelve (2008-2012), by J. Michael Straczynski as well as Chris Weston, is set in the exact same time period however stars 12 obscure characters from that era.

Writer Robert Morales as well as artist Kyle Baker teamed for Truth: Red, White as well as Black (2003), a series influenced by the us Government-sponsored Tuskegee Experiments, recasting them into an examination of Marvel’s famous super Soldier experiments in WWII.

If all goes well, I’ll likewise ultimately get to things like Monster Hunters in marvel world #4-7 (1998), Captain America: Sentinel of liberty (1998), other interpretations of The Invaders, as well as potentially even looks at pre-Fantastic four #1 FF as well as X-Men characters (like Wolverine as well as Magneto), who had interesting pre-FF adventures, as told by more contemporary creators. many of these I’ll be reading for the very first time, since they originally slipped with the cracks in my reading in the days that I favored DC’s series over Marvel’s.


Consider it type of the Underground history of the marvel Universe. I’ll be your mysterious host, Zemu/Xemu. (Well, which is it, dude?…)



XEMU CARLSON is a would-be conqueror from the fifth dimension (“Up, Up as well as Away! In My lovely Balloon!”). I have a terrible complexion, however I have a great metal hat as well as harness that plays little Steven’s Underground Garage 24/7. I’m likewise produced by Stan Lee, Larry Leiber, as well as Jack Kirby, so there! I must have been hung-over when I designed my outfit… eco-friendly as well as purple! who would do tha— Oh, hello, Mr. Hulk! nice pants!

WESTFIELD COMICS is not accountable for the stupid things that KC says. particularly that thing that truly irritated you. Forbush.

Classic covers from the Grand Comics Database.

BUY wrong lose BIG: wonderful four VS. THE FRIGHTFUL FORE

When one tees off in golf, proper etiquette requires yelling ‘fore’ to alert other golfers that something is coming.  here you are, puttering along on the course, oblivious to the imminent danger of flying objects.  Unless, of course, someone sounds the alarm: FORE!  Today I am sounding the alarm.  A metaphorical top flight ball is headed your way.  I am alerting you, if you get Wrong, you will lose Big!  Today’s discussion focuses on a single sale of wonderful four 94 and original art from that same issue.  As a narrow example from a broad market, I’m not imploring you to duck-and-run from the fairway.  I’m only suggesting the prudent thing to do is look up and test the wind.

Fantastic four #94 case Study

First, am I overstating when I say get Wrong, lose Big?  I want to look at a single example.  ONE does not make a trend, but it’s prudent to learn from the past.  This wonderful four #94 sale completed a long time ago, ages ago, back in 2011.  Hopefully, the person who made this purchase is not cursing me ideal now.  I mean the seller could be reading this, chest puffed out, hands in pocket in mock humility, and grinning from ear to ear.

The year was 2011, the month was February, the day was the 25th.  someone committed a crime that day.  At least it feels that way nine years later.  through Heritage Auctions, a graded 9.8 copy of wonderful four #94 sold for $4,481.25.  The issue featured a slugfest between the wonderful four and longtime antagonists the Frightful Four.  Besides the return of hair model and Inhuman Medusa, the issue boasts the first appearance of Agatha Harkness.

Fantastic four 94

Lose Big?  I need Some Context

With all the substantial sales of graded comics these days, often it’s hard to know if a price is high or low.  For context, two sales of FF #94 in 9.8 averaged $1,100 in 2020.  Ouch!  If you paid $4,400 for that comic in 2011, you probably feel like a golf ball just ricocheted off your head.  By fun coincidence, that’s fore (I indicate four) times higher than what people paid this year.  maybe a lot more alarming, when I started writing this article, the GoCollect FMV value was $1,100–now it’s only $1,000!  and sure it’s a drop in grade, but eBay lists a signature series Stan Lee signed copy in graded 9.6 for $1,900.

If You get Wrong, the trend is not Your Friend

In the stock market, terrific stocks sell high.  Then, they go higher!  Sale prices for wonderful four #94 are all over the place.  In 2017, a 9.8 sold for $2,000.  That sale fetched much a lot more than other sales post-2011.  Then, the price dropped again to the current levels.  It’s normal to see volatility in markets, but these sales are about as consistent as my golf game!

A few sales of one comic don’t make a trend.  So, do not overreact.  but I do believe the astronomical inflation of comic book prices can’t be maintained.  Likewise, in my primary area of interest, original comic book art, prices continue to explode.  I wonder if the end is near?  FORE!!! 

Original Art from wonderful four #94

Fantastic four 94 page 7 by Jack Kirby and Joe Sinnott


I like the resistance original art has to market forces due to its nature as one-of-a-kind.  However, art fluctuates in price, too.  page 7 from FF #94 sold in 2019 for the great price of $9,900.  I graded that art as cat R6 considering that it is an interior page featuring the thing in every panel.  It is also by legendary artist Jack Kirby.  Back in 2008, page 18 from the same issue sold for $4,481.25.  though different pages, I assigned the same cat score of R6.  Coincidentally, it sold for the same price as someone overpaid in 2011 for the 9.8 comic book.

Those prices seem reasonable:  nearly $4,500 in 2008, escalating to nearly $10,000 eleven years later.  However, page 2 from the same comic, this one graded cat R4, sold in 2008 for $7,768.  four years later, it dropped in sales price all the way down to $5,328.  That represents a compounded annual loss of -10.2%!  OUCH again.

Buy ideal Win big – page 18 from FF 94 is Up for Auction

Fantastic four 94 page 18 cat R6 by Jack Kirby and Joe Sinnott




What will page 18 of this Jack Kirby classic sell for?  I grade page 18 as cat R6 also.  I actually think it is better than the other pages that have sold because there are a lot more FF team members plus some Frightful four villains as well.  as of September 21st, the current bid was $4,700 on this page due to auction in early October.  By the time this blog prints, the sale may be complete.  though still a couple weeks out,  I’ll go out on a fairly sure limb and guess this art will substantially exceed the $9,900 sales price from 2019.  If someone can get it closer to $9,900, then forget get wrong lose Big, they nailed it.


So, that’s my forecast.  Remember, I have no foreknowledge and little foresight.  though my message in this blog has foreshadowed potential losses and may finull

BOB’S news about STUFF!!!

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Gail Simone takes on Domino in April


Gail Simone is returning to marvel Comics in April to write a new Domino series! The character will also be appearing in the new Deadpool motion picture this June!

The second installment Ed Piskor’s X-Men trilogy, X-Men: Grand Design, second Genesis, will now be released this summer instead of its originally scheduled date of December!

Check out this first look of DC’s The Terrifics #1 starring Mr. Terrific, Metamorpho, Plastic Man, Phantom girl and Tom Strong!

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but, if you haven’t already heard, the following marvel titles have been cancelled with the following issues: America #12 (for now), Gwenpool #25, Hawkeye #16, Iceman #11, Luke Cage #10 and She-Hulk #163!

Reportedly, Brian Michael Bendis will be joined by artist Ivan Reis on DC’s regular Superman title later this year!

In other Bendis news, his final two issues of Jessica Jones for Marvel, #17 & #18 have been delayed by 3 weeks each!

Gambit will be joining the team in April’s X-Men: Red #3!

Even though he’s knee-deep in his work with Geoff Johns on Doomsday Clock, Gary Frank is also still working with Johns on a Batman earth One volume 3!

FX’s excellent legion returns for its second season in April!


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Press release

Solar: man of the Atom #1 Juan Doe cover

January 20, 2014, Mt. Laurel, NJ:  Dynamite proudly announces that the new ongoing Solar: man of the Atom comic book series, written by Frank Barbiere (Five Ghosts) and illustrated by Joe Bennett (Iron Man), will launch its first issue on Wednesday, April 16, 2014.  Solar: man of the Atom #1 marks the third highly-anticipated title release in Dynamite’s “Gold Key” line of comic books, which also includes Turok: Dinosaur hunter (debuting in February 2014), Magnus: Robot fighter (March 2014), and doctor Spektor, a revival of beloved comic book heroes courtesy of Dynamite’s licensing agreement with DreamWorks Classics.

Solar: man of the Atom #1 Bob Layton subscription Cover

In Solar: man of the Atom, brilliant scientist Dr. Phil Seleski is granted astonishing powers after being flooded with an experimental radiation.  Driven to unlock the secrets of the universe, he begrudgingly becomes a hero along the way… but can a single man be trusted with near-limitless abilities?  What will this mean to those he loves… and will his choices lead to utter chaos and destruction?

Solar: man of the Atom #1 Garry brown cover

“In our take, we’ve focused on the theme of family,” says writer Frank Barbiere, whose series five Ghosts launched in 2013 to much critical and fan acclaim.  “We’ve got a character that suddenly becomes a being of extreme power, is thrust into a universal community, and adopts the mantle of a hero.  At the core is still a man, a human being who is not unlike us.  Making this a personal story about how that affects his life and family has really brought it to some exciting new places.  Solar‘s all-new cast of characters will feel the reverberations of his every action – and not everyone is going to survive the fallout!”

While the reimagined Gold key line is intended to capture the spirit of beloved prior incarnations, the new Solar has been designed as a perfect jumping-on point for newcomers.  “This is a brand new Solar: man of the Atom,” says Barbiere.  “We’ll have all the wonderful sci-fi action and excitement that the original is known for, yet apply those classic elements in a new direction that will feel fresh and new, introducing the character to a whole new generation of readers.  We think they’re going to love it!”

Solar: man of the Atom #1 Ken Haeser cover

Joe Bennett joins Dynamite entertainment as the artist on Solar: man of the Atom, bringing his many years of industry experience to the project.  since the mid-1990s, Bennett has worked extensively on key superhero series from marvel and DC Comics, including such action-packed titles as outstanding Spider-Man, Captain America, Thor, Birds of Prey, Deathstroke, teen Titans, Iron Man, and many more.

“Discovering Frank Barbiere’s work on Five Ghosts was one of those rare moments in comics when you read someone’s first foray into the medium and are immediately struck by his vast potential,” says Nick Barrucci, the CEO / publisher of Dynamite Entertainment .  “He’s an up-and-coming voice, and I can’t wait for fans to hear that voice come through in Solar: Man of the Atom.  Also, when it comes to Solar‘s cosmic scope and surreal visuals, I can’t think of anyone better suited than Joe Bennett, a man I salute as one of the most talented and respected illustrators in the business.”

Solar: man of the Atom #1 Stephen Mooney cover

Solar: man of the Atom #1 will feature a wide selection of cover variants, presented by some of comics’ most talented artists.  The main Cover will be supplied by Juan Doe (Fantastic Four, Deadpool), and a Subscription-Only Variant Cover, intended as a reward for dedicated fans who preorder with their local comic shop retailers, will feature the art of industry legend and classic Solar artist Bob Layton.  A blank Authentix Cover will be created for the first issue, featuring blank white space on the cover perfect for convention artist commissions or the creative whims of the do-it-yourself fan.

Additional cover artwork by Garry brown (Five Ghosts), Stephen Mooney (Spike, Angel), and Ken Haeser (The Living Corpse) will be featured on special retailer incentive original Art Covers, rewarded to and available from select retailers that meet certain ordering thresholds through diamond Comic Distributors.

For art and more information, please visit: .


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Batman: three Jokers #1 (of 3)

DC COMICSAction Comics #1024Amethyst #5 (Of 6)Batgirl #48Batman 80th anniversary series pull Back automobile 1966 TVBatman beyond #46Batman Superman #11Batman: three Jokers #1 (Of 3)Books Of Magic #22Dark nights death metal #2 (Of 6) second PrintingDark nights death metal #3 (Of 6) second PrintingDark nights death Metal: Legends Of The Dark Knights #1 second PrintingDceased: Unkillables HCDetective Comics #1026Flash #760John Constantine Hellblazer #9Justice league Dark #25Justice league Odyssey TP Vol. 3: final FrontierJustice league unrestricted Galactic Justice TPLast God #8Legion Of incredibly Heroes #8Plunge #6 (Of 6)Question: The Deaths Of Vic Sage #4 (Of 4)Red Hood Outlaw #48Spectre: The Wrath Of The Spectre Omnibus HCSuicide Squad #8Superman: The man Of Steel HC Vol. 1Teen Titans annual #2Wonder woman #761

MARVEL COMICS2020 force works #3 (Of 3)2020 Iwolverine #2 (Of 2)Aero #10Amazing Spider-Man #47Ant-Man world Hive TPAvengers By Hickman complete Collection TP Vol. 1Daredevil annual #1Dawn Of X TP Vol. 7Empyre: Avengers #3 (Of 3)Empyre: Captain America #3 (Of 3)Fallen Angels By Bryan hill TP Vol. 1Fantastic Four: Antithesis #1 (Of 4)Ghost-Spider #10 (Final Issue)Hellions #3House Of X Powers Of X TPImmortal Hulk #35 2nd PrintingIron man 2020 #6 (Of 6)Iron man epic Collection TP: Fury Of FirebrandMarvel action Captain marvel TP Vol. 2: goal small (IDW)Marvel Comics retro 2021 wall CalendarMarvel Heroes Captain America face MugMarvel Heroes Deadpool Chibi style collage MugMarvel Heroes Spider-Man face MugMarvel Hulk 2020 Bust BankMarvel Previews Vol. 5 #3 September/November 2020Spider-Man Noir #3 (Of 5)Star Wars: doctor Aphra #3Strange Academy #1 3rd PrintingThor #2 4th PrintingThor #3 3rd PrintingX-Factor #2X-Men #11X-Men epic Collection TP: ProteusX-Men: God Loves, man kills extended cut #2 (Of 2)

IMAGE COMICSBlack Magick #13Bliss #2 (Of 8)Bomb Queen: Trump Card #1 (Of 4)Chu #2Dead Body Road: bad Blood #3 (Of 6)Family Tree #8Killadelphia #7Middlewest TP book 03Mirka Andolfo’s Mercy #5 (Of 6)Nailbiter Returns #4Nomen Omen #8 (Of 15)Spawn #309Stray Bullets: Sunshine & Roses #42Tartarus #5That Texas Blood #3Unearth #7

BOOM!Adventure Time Fionna & Cake TPAngel & Spike #13Go Go Power Rangers TP Vol. 7Mega Man: fully Charged #1Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #53Red mother TP Vol. 1Wicked things #4Wynd #3 (Of 5)

DARK HORSECycle Of Red Moon TP Vol. 1: harvest Of Samhein

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IDWCanto II: Hollow men #1 (Of 5)Gears Of War: Hivebusters TPLocke & Key: In pale Battalions Go #1 (Of 2)Sleeping Beauties #3 (Of 10)Star Wars Adventures: Clone Wars #4 (Of 5)TMNT ongoing #108

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The Silver as well as Bronze Age secrets were in demand this week, none much more so than Iron guy as well as Sub-Mariner #1 thanks to those never-ending Namor film rumors. welcome to this week’s most popular Comics!

Once again, the MCU ruled the collecting world. All five of this week’s most significant movers on the most popular comics listing were somehow connected to the MCU, either by official news or by rumors as well as speculation. Collectors as well as investors were trying to get those secrets before costs get as well out of hand. In some cases, they are already nearing that point.

Before we jump into the data, don’t fail to remember that the most popular Comics index is the 1,001 very popular comics of the week according to eBay’s data. just since a comic is hot does not necessarily imply costs are breaking the ceiling, though higher sales tend to herald higher prices.

On that note, welcome to the top-five most significant movers of the week.

8. IRON guy as well as SUB-MARINER #1 (+992)

The most significant champion of the-week-in-hottest-comics award went to Iron guy as well as Sub-Mariner #1 from 1968. This is a traditional Silver Age problem from famed writers Roy Thomas as well as Archie Goodwin as well as drawn by the legendary gene Colan. For the previously mentioned reasons, this problem is a treasure trove of Marvel’s early days. However, that is not why collectors desired this one. This problem predates both Iron guy #1 as well as Sub-Mariner #1, which implies this is the very first self-titled series for both characters.

Despite news to the contrary, some marvel theorists firmly insist that Namor will be included in the MCU extremely soon. Although he has been heavily rumored for a number of movies, many notably as the antagonist in Black Panther 2, Kevin Feige has previously stated that the screen rights to the Submariner are complicated, which is why nobody understands when he will show up in the MCU.

It appears that unfounded rumors as well as conjecture are sufficient to keep Iron guy as well as Sub-Mariner #1 at the forefront of the Silver Age collections. Not only did the sales volume see a noteworthy spike, however the FMVs were on the up as well as up as well. The only two grades that saw a dip in the past 90 days – the 5.5 as well as the 5.0 – both hauled in recent sales that exceeded the three-month average. 

Even the lower grades have been getting a bump from the Namor rumors. The 4.5, which was the lowest grade offered in the past 90 days, is averaging $135 in the span, as well as that occurs to be close to $50 above its 2020 average.

43. JUSTICE league OF AMERICA #9 (+957)

Is there a cover that screams 1960s much more so than Justice league of America #9? The front cover tells us whatever we requirement to understand about this problem as question Woman, Flash, Martian Manhunter, eco-friendly Lantern, as well as Aquaman are being transformed into trees. It is traditional Silver Age schlock at its finest.

What draws collectors to JLA #9, aside from seeing the JLA as trees, is that it retells the origin story of the Justice League. With the interest the JLA has been getting as HBO Max nears its Zack Snyder cut of Justice League, all the Silver Age JLA secrets have benefited from the exposure. However, if the fan reaction for the new handle the film is once again negative, then these essential problems might take a big hit, so disposing money into JLA #9 is a gamble, make no mistake. Still, it is difficult to believe that fans will be dissatisfied after the Joss Whedon fiasco that was Justice League. 

The sales volume saw a large increase in the past week, however the FMVs were split among the different grades. typically speaking, the higher grades struggled while the mid as well as lower grades excelled. At the low end of things, the 4.0, which has a 90-day FMV of $139, last offered for $176 in February. That is well ahead of its 2020 typical of $205.

The great part right here is that you can still get your hands on a good grade for under $300. There is the 6.0, a comic that had an FMV of $105 a year back as well as last offered for $240. thinking about this is a minor Silver Age key, it is great anytime you can get a 6.0 for close to $250.

44. TALES OF SUSPENSE #94 (+956)

Marvel Studios’ connection with the HULU streaming service appears to be rocky at the moment. The plug was pulled on Helstrom after one season, as well as a number of marvel jobs that were previously revealed were stopped before they got off the ground. The only one that stays is the adult-themed stop-motion cartoon, M.O.D.O.K. with Patton Oswalt set for the starring voice role. This is still on the routine for May. 

That being said, it makes sense that Tales of Suspense #94 made waves on the most popular comics listing this week. As we get nearer to May, we are likely to see even much more interest on M.O.D.O.K.’s very first anull


I just checked out that grant Morrison is composing Bruce Wayne’s return.  Bruce discovers him not dead after final dilemma however really thrown with time, as well as he’ll be trying to get back to his location in time.  holy Captain America rip off, Batman!  except that at one point, he’ll be a pirate.  holy great four rip off, Batman!  I just don’t get the charm of most of Morrison’s work.  final dilemma was incomprehensible as well as Batman R.I.P. was mis-titled as well as incredibly confusing.  It’s like it had great aspects of a story, however no actual narrative.


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Wynonna Earp

by beau Smith

In the pop culture world of horror, being a zombie is always shown as the bottom of the boot. In fact, that’s normally where you end up if you’re a zombie –  at the bottom of somebody’s boot.

If you’re a zombie in the comics, the movies, on TV, or in a novel, you’re normally shown as not being very bright, you have a plodding, heavy-footed walk and your hygiene stinks — literally. Your oratory skills suck and you have skin that a leper would shun. I know these things. I’ve shackled zombies in my own stories with these clichés in my IDW publishing series, Wynonna Earp as well as in person Gardner: Warrior during my run on it at DC Comics. Why? Well, because it was the easy way. (Even I look for the easy way now and then.)

In horror, the vampires are the elite. like zombies, they’re also the undead, but they dress nice, have a way with the ladies and are well spoken world travelers that sleep all day and party all night. how unfair is that if you’re a zombie?

Even the rest of the lower level monsters have it better than zombies. The hunchback assistants get to work with the best mad scientists in the monster medical field. Goblins run in gangs and are always laughing at everyone else and what about the Frankenstein Monster? He’s nothing a lot more than a patched together zombie, but he gets to play the “Misunderstood Card” like it was an automatic full house.

Guy Gardner: Warrior #22. Story-Beau Smith. Art-Mitch Byrd

Over at DC Comics, Solomon Grundy has been given the spotlight time and time again. He’s probably the most high profile zombie in comics. The bad thing is that if you really stop to study Grundy you’ll find that he’s nothing a lot more than a pale-faced extraordinary Hulk, dressed like Jethro from the Beverly Hillbillies in search of a tanning bed.

Over at marvel they tried a semi-original spin when they turned a lot of of their super-heroes into zombies, but then again, they’ll try anything. They’ve done the gender-bender turn and even turned their heroes into apes.

As a writer, the case of zombies make me yearn to do a story where zombies are no longer entrapped by the “business as usual” mold they’ve been shoved in. Why can’t the rotting undead be worldly and sophisticated? just because they crave human flesh doesn’t indicate they have to eat with their hands and slobber. other writers make vampires look so sexy when they suck blood from a victim’s neck. Why can’t the same slant be made with zombies? picture a zombie 5-star eatery where there are fine linen table clothes, mood-making candle light, and human flesh cut with sophisticated cutlery and washed down with fine white wine or aged liquor. Oh, I smell zombie respect being cooked up.

Vampires and werewolves get romantic love lives written for them. Where’s the dating game for zombies? What a tragic soap opera that would make. even The Mummy had some romance in his securely wrapped up world. somebody needs to show some love to the zombies.

There’s a lot more to zombies than sunken-eyed, stiff-walkers slowly chasing moronic humans through a mall. You’ve all seen that Michael Jackson Thriller video – zombies can dance! Not all of them are as slow as a snail on downers. everybody in comics talks about how everything is high concept and writers think out of the box. Well, here’s a real chance for someone to not only think out of the box, but jump out of it as well.

Wynonna Earp page

When was the last time you saw a zombie in the role of the hero? now there’s a novel idea. I’m sure somebody out there has written a zombie wearing a “white hat”. We just need to see a lot more of that kind of thinking. The great thing about fiction is that there are no limits. creative freedom isn’t dealt out with a teaspoon, we need to use a steam shovel and really dig up some new ideas on the way zombies are written.

Not every zombie has to be a standard rotting flesh, gross, missing eyeball zombie. Why can’t one be a lot more like Angel as in the Joss Whedon vampire TV series where when need be, the hero can turn into a zombie when needed to kick bad person butt? how hard is that? For once I’d love to see the vampires at the bottom of the food chain. Those snobs have been living the high life of the undead life for far too long. It’s time for zombies to have a little cake with their human hand sandwich. We need some equal rights for our zombie friends that might like to eat their human’s skinless and not have to worry about all the preservatives and trans fat that comes with eating on the run. It works with chicken at KFC, why not on a zombie’s healthy menu?

I know as a writer I’m going to work harder to throw some fictional respect to the zombies. I hope as readers, you’ll expect and demand a lot more from your zombie requests in the fiction you get and read.

Better to be undeadthan unread.

Your very much alive, amigo,

Beau Smith
The flying Fist Ranch