Henry Cavill Disinterested in the Snyder Cut, wants to think about the Future of Superman

The Internet is all a-flutter, because Zach Snyder confirmed that he has some cut of Justice league ready to go. Yet, the key figure in the director’s takeover of DC doesn’t seem all that interested in the movie. Henry Cavill neither saw nor cares much about the Snyder Cut, instead he is interested in the future of Superman. man of Steel was Zack Snyder’s first DC movie and led to his oversight of the DC extended Universe. despite reprising the role twice for other films, Cavill still wants to make a proper sequel to man of Steel. So much so, that he practically campaigned for the chance in a sit-down with an entertainment reporter while promoting The Witcher. check below for what he said specifically, and our take on what it might mean.

Henry Cavill Talks the Snyder cut and the Future of Superman

In the video above, Henry Cavill sits down with Kevin McCarthy to talk about the Snyder cut and the future of Superman. Well, truth be told, he was there to talk about The Witcher. but McCarthy is very good at getting celebrities to talk about other projects. (He’s the one that got Kevin Smith to finally reach out to Ben Affleck for Jay and silent Bob Reboot.) because the Snyder cut saw enough drama this week to fill the arc of a documentary, McCarthy asked Cavill his thoughts on it.


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The Superman actor said if there is a Snyder Cut, he has not seen it. He also expressed little interest in revisiting or trying to rehabilitate Justice League.

He said:

“That is very much a chapter in my past. I would rather talk about what is going to happen in the future. The future of Superman, how I can express that character from the comic books, which ties in nicely to man of Steel. man of Steel, I really like that movie, and I’d like to be able to tell the story where it was left at that point.”

Cavill went on to say that he can tell us “nothing” about the possibility of him donning the iconic red and blue costume again. This is not the first time he mentioned this, either. Back in July, a fan who spoke with Henry Cavill said he still wants to play Superman. He spoke about wanting to play the character as the hopeful hero that he is in the comics. (Snyder’s man of Steel was very flawed and unfinished, but still a necessary take on the character.) earlier this month, in another interview, he talked about how he’s actively trying to make a new, solo Superman movie happen.

As he told Men’s Health:
“I’m not just going to sit quietly in the dark as all this stuff is going on… I’ve not given up the role. There’s a lot I have to give for Superman yet. A lot of storytelling to do. A lot of real, true depths to the honesty of the character I want to get into. I want to reflect the comic books. That’s important to me. There’s a lot of justice to be done for Superman. The status is: You’ll see.”

There are two remarkable things about Cavill’s candor. The first is that, unlike all of his co-stars, he’s not come out in full-throated support of Snyder and his vision. The second is that Cavill seems to want these comments of his to make headlines, knowing how hot the topic is right now. While only Cavill knows what’s in his heart, we have some ideas about why this is.

Why We think He’s saying This Stuff

image via Warner Bros.

Zack Snyder leaves no ambiguity that he’s upset at Warner Bros. He’s joked about “leaking” his version of the film before. It makes sense would he want to get his version of the film to fans Yet, his comments about his version of Justice league seem to carry animus towards Warner Bros. This makes sense. The official story is that Snyder stepped down from the movie because of a family tragedy. Yet, the rumor-mill long said that Warner Bros. used the tragic death of his daughter as an excuse to fire him. So, it also makes sense that he would carry a lot of resentment for the studio.

And the hard feelings may be mutual. At this point, it makes no business sense for Warner Bros. to not release the film, at least as an exclusive on HBO Max. Their new on-demand service will need exclusives as an upcoming contender in the Streaming Wars. Still, even if they release the film, Snyder likely would not work for the studio again.

Henry Cavill, however, wants a future as Superman. So, being like Switzerland when it comes to the Snyder cut is a smart call. It shows that he’s still team Warner Bros., at least if gets him back in the cape and tights. And, let’s not forget, that Cavill’s obligation to Mission: impossible helped “ruin” the reshoots for Justice League. He couldn’t shave his mustache, and thus it had to be digitally erased with hilariously poor CGI. He doesn’t want to make waves. Besides, he’s aware of the reports that Warner Bros. is considering recasting the role. Rumors suggested Michael B. Jordan met with the studio about playing Superman. And, many people say that it’s time for a black actor to take up the role of Superman.

Will We See Henry Cavill Take Up the Mantle of Superman Again?

image via Warner Bros.

Despite what other entertainment reporters will tell you, nothing is set in stone. If Tom Holland can save Spider-Man in the MCU, then Henry Cavill might be able to save his Superman. There is no question that of the three Zack Snyder DC films (not counting Watchmen), man of Steel is the most liked. Also, Warner Bros. seems keen to focus solely on solo films. So, a standalone Superman send-off with Henry Cavill in the role is not outside the realm of possibility. With Joker becoming the first R-rated movie to make a billion dollars, WB may want to keep things dark and gritty. It’s a formula that works for them in a way that hasn’t seemed to work for Marvel. (Outside of the original Blade films, that is.) But, DC can also do fun and hopeful films. Shazam! was a lighthearted superhero story, and any Superman sequel should have the same tone.

Of course, the business is the business. Warner Bros. may decide to just reboot the character again. They also likely could get a new actor for a much smaller rate than Cavill. When he first suited up as the man of Steel, he wasn’t that well-known. Now, ironically thanks to his turn as Superman, he’s an international movie star. Yet, as badly as Cavill wants the role, he might even be willing to make concession.

What do you think about Henry Cavill as the future of Superman and his remarks about the Snyder Cut? Share your thoughts, reactions, and who you want wearing the “S” in the comments below.

Featured image via Warner Bros.